Poetry making in Cork University Hospital
September 2, 2015 | By Orlagh O'Brien | No Comments
We will be running poetry making sessions in the Department of Renal Medicine, Cork University Hospital this September 14th and 21st at 2.30pm. All patients are invited to join us.
These will start the haiku making in a light way and will hopefully be the beginning of the longer project. Originally from Japan, haiku are short three line poems, often evoking the natural world. Haiku are particularly suited to the ward setting in that they can be made quickly, collaboratively and with little effort.This kind of poetic form engages the imagination, explores the potential of metaphor and inspires a connection with the present moment.
This is part of a research phase to trial working in the ward. The long term aim is to make a limited edition book.The books will be made by the artists, patients and (if appropriate) staff of the department during a hands-on workshop in the hospital.
Kindly funded by Cork City Arts Office and supported by CUH Arts Officer Edelle Nolan with Joanne Lyons, Clinical Nurse Manager.